Public concerts in Jazz, Brazilian, Rock, Funk and variety groups from my country are on the program for this summer 2024.

Do not hesitate !

Subscribe to my newsletter et check the dates !

Jazz & Divas, AAS Paradiso, Nina Papa, JFQ Quintet, Spoon Cover-Band, Tribute to DION, Stéphane BRUNELLO, WIB? “Where is Brian ?


Are you looking for a 🎷saxophonist🎷 playing at your private or public events or simply to learn the saxophone?

Jazz, House, Bossa, Blues, Funk, Lounge,  Smooth …
Solo, duo or with my Jazz Band or in collaboration with a DJ for a intense modern set and with a complete formation…

Do not hesitate to keep in touch.
You are in the right place.

The music of SebioJazz

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SebioJazz’s Newsletter

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